With short stories by Laird Barron & Meghan McCarron

Special We ❤ Lovecraft Issue
What is this
{ About }


In which the hideous truth behind the theme of this issue is revealed…

More Dark

On the after­noon train from Pough­keep­sie to New York City for a thing at the Krem­lin Bar — John and me and an emp­ty seat that should’ve been Jack’s…

Brattleboro Days, Yuggoth Nights

A pre­vi­ous­ly unpub­lished inter­view with H. P. Love­craft (as uncov­ered by Nick Mamatas)


by Sonya Taaffe

{ Being Prov­i­dence }
You could nev­er have slept/ in my ship­wrecked bed…

{ Set­tling Accounts }
I fell in love with a demon with a wood­wind name…

{ Try­ing for It }
The ghost I see walk­ing the rust-soft wreckage…

Oh Those Vermonters! A Photojournal

Our cor­re­spon­dent explores the region that inspired The Whis­per­er in Darkness

Lovecraft in Brooklyn

The scratch­ing in the walls both­ered one room­mate in particular…

The Ashland Waltz

In a week, the entire val­ley would be underwater…

Constellations for the New Millennium

What secrets lurk with­in the con­for­ma­tions of the stars?

{ Revelations }

Our con­trib­u­tors share
a few of their favorite things.

{ Masthead & Copyrights }

Read them in their
exquis­ite detail.