
THE REVELATOR was first pub­lished in 1876 and has been pub­lished ever since then in a vari­ety of for­mats. Broad­sheet. News­pa­per. Eight-tracks and cas­settes. Mono and stereo. Some­times free. Some­times in expen­sive lim­it­ed edi­tions. But what­ev­er its for­mat, THE REVELATOR has always been the first place to look to for a no-holds-barred approach to the truth and damn the con­se­quences. It was in THE REVELATOR, in fact in its very first issue, that one found an eye-wit­ness account of the North­field bank rob­bery. It was in THE REVELATOR that the first authen­ti­cat­ed pho­tographs of the Thun­der­bird, the Unk­te­hi­la, and the giant squid appeared. And it was THE REVELATOR that first pub­lished the unex­pur­gat­ed Water­gate tran­scripts. Your edi­tors Matthew Cheney and Eric Schaller are proud to car­ry on this grand tra­di­tion, now in a free on-line edition.

In each issue of THE REVELATOR you will find the best fic­tion, non-fic­tion, comix, and art that the world has to offer. We say it’s the best because that’s the truth.

Please join THE REVELATOR site on Face­book to keep post­ed on developments.


Matthew Cheney & Eric Schaller, Editors