Category Archives

From the Vaults

A Fan Letter

You dirty, stink­ing and shit-smeared louses…

When Dorothy Went Sequential: Comic Strips from The Revelator Years

The Wizard of Oz Comic Strips from 1907 – 1917

The com­ic strip that influ­enced Mil­ton Can­iff, Chester Gould, and Charles Schultz.

The Prohibition-Era REVELATOR Cocktail

Rediscovered At Last!

The recipe for the pro­hi­bi­tion-era cock­tail, a favorite of Ernest Hemingway’s, redis­cov­ered at last…


The field seemed sick as a soul with sin,/ Or dead of an old despair…

Brattleboro Days, Yuggoth Nights

A pre­vi­ous­ly unpub­lished inter­view with H. P. Love­craft (as uncov­ered by Nick Mamatas)

A True and Reliable Account of the Attempted Daylight Robbery of the First National Bank of Northfield, Minn. by the Notorious James-Younger Gang, as Related by a Witness to the Events

{ Reprinted from the very first 1876 issue of THE REVELATOR }

Reprint­ed from the very first issue of THE REVELATOR.

A True and Reliable Account of the Attempted Daylight Robbery of the First National Bank of Northfield, Minn. By the Notorious James-Younger Gang, as Related by a Witness to the Events (Original)

{ Reprinted from the very first 1876 issue of THE REVELATOR }

{ Text version }