Vol. 138 · No. 1

Special Bookworm Issue

With short sto­ries by Richard Bowes, D. F. Lewis, and Mik­ki Kendall

Special Bookworm Issue
What is this
{ About }

Eye, Eye, Eye!

Revealed at last, the unau­tho­rized his­to­ry of THE REVELATOR

If God Is Watching

I killed a man when I was 13…

The Death and Life of Elodia Harwinton

In hind­sight, they should have seen it coming…

Stories I Tell to Friends

As a kid I had a crush on Cap­tain Kangaroo…”

Man of Bone and Fame

His fees were high but his fail­ure rate was low…

The Prohibition-Era REVELATOR Cocktail

Redis­cov­ered At Last!

The recipe for the pro­hi­bi­­tion-era cock­tail, a favorite of Ernest Hemingway’s, redis­cov­ered at last…

Dreams of Order, Visions of Chaos

An SF Child­hood in Kenya

I met the astro­naut in 1989 at the for­mer U.S. Embassy in down­town Nairobi…


The field seemed sick as a soul with sin,/ Or dead of an old despair…

{ Revelations }

Our con­trib­u­tors share
a few of their favorite books.

{ Masthead & Copyrights }

Read them in their
exquis­ite detail.