Category Archives


A Brief History of The Big Apple

In which we cov­er mil­len­nia in the blink of the apple of your eye…

We Always Knew We Were Just Passing Through

My friend Dan lived in a meat locker…

A Walk through Teju Cole’s OPEN CITY

And so when I began to go on evening walks last fall…”

Sung Muhheakunnuk

New York Journals 1982 – 2012

For a month I worked demo­li­tion for Kar­ma Con­struc­tion Company…

The Kung Fu Wizard of Oz Speaks in Korean

The Strange Pleasure of the Obscure Joke

One of the clichés about humor is…

I Don’t Think We’re in New Hampshire Anymore!”

We all have mem­o­ries of Oz…

Why Don’t You Go to Her?

It was in 1866, when the grasshop­pers invad­ed town…

Eye, Eye, Eye!

Revealed at last, the unau­tho­rized his­to­ry of THE REVELATOR

Frans Masereel’s Picture Books against War

Should every­thing per­ish, all the books, the pho­tographs and the doc­u­ments, and we were left only with the wood­cuts Masereel has cre­at­ed, through them alone we could recon­struct our con­tem­po­rary world.” — Ste­fan Zweig When asked about the Bel­gium artist Frans Masereel, the two thoughts that imme­di­ate­ly come to mind are wood­cuts and war.  I do not know an artist who was so wed­ded to the wood­cut in express­ing his loathing of war. Although this theme pre­vailed in many of his books, an exam­i­na­tion of his wood­cuts in Debout Les morts (Arise Ye Dead, 1917) as reprint­ed in this issue of THE REVELATOR, pro­vides a vital con­nec­tion to his sub­se­quent anti-war books; and there were many, as we will dis­cov­er. Masereel was born in 1889 in an upper-mid­­dle class fam­i­ly from Blanken­berghe, Bel­gium.  He showed inter­est in draw­ing and remem­bered a dis­like of war from an ear­ly age: I can still remem­ber the Boer War, which made a great … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Dreams of Order, Visions of Chaos

An SF Childhood in Kenya

I met the astro­naut in 1989 at the for­mer U.S. Embassy in down­town Nairobi…