Category Archives


My Small Diary

They turned on the TV in the break room at work…

When Dorothy Went Sequential: Comic Strips from The Revelator Years

The Wizard of Oz Comic Strips from 1907 – 1917

The com­ic strip that influ­enced Mil­ton Can­iff, Chester Gould, and Charles Schultz.

Debout Les Morts (Arise Ye Dead)

THE REVELATOR is proud to reprint this Klas­sic Komix from one of the ear­li­est and great­est inno­va­tors in the medi­um of graphix arts and word­less books. First pub­lished in 1917, Debout Les Morts is as rel­e­vant today as it was a cen­tu­ry ago. Please see the asso­ci­at­ed com­men­tary by David A. Beronä for back­ground on Frans Masereel’s graph­i­cal work against war. 




The Great Snail

A Victorian Interlude!

Lipstick Traces

Lars Van Stook