My Small Diary

Delaine Der­ry Green start­ed writ­ing and illus­trat­ing auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal comics under the name ‘My Small Diary’ in 1993.  ‘Not My Small Diary’, a com­pi­la­tion of small press artists’ auto-bio comics, edit­ed by Delaine, was first released in 1996 as an off­shoot of her own com­ic. Still going strong, these com­ic-zines have attract­ed a diverse, tal­ent­ed con­trib­u­tor base. Wide­ly praised for excel­lent lay­out and design, the Small Diary books have been well received by review­ers and read­ers the world over. NMSD and MSD have appeared on the Favorite Zine list of the Zine Guide pub­li­ca­tion, were induct­ed into the Zine Hall of Fame in 2007, and have made the best-sell­er list at Atom­ic Books. Small Diary pub­li­ca­tions have appeared in the fol­low­ing muse­um shows: Dark Mat­ter at the Bal­ti­more Muse­um of Art, 2004; Art of Zines at the San Jose Muse­um of Art, 2004; Dear Diary: The Auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal Com­ic Book at the Athens Insti­tute of Con­tem­po­rary Art, 2006; and Art of Zines at the Anno Domi­ni Gallery, San Jose, 2009. These zines have also rid­den aboard the Mobilivre-Book­mo­bile, a trav­el­ing library of inde­pen­dent pub­li­ca­tions that toured across North Amer­i­ca. They appear in sev­er­al library col­lec­tions includ­ing ones in Den­ver, Seat­tle, NYC, Chica­go, Birm­ing­ham, and Utah among oth­ers. When not draw­ing and edit­ing comics, Delaine works as a graph­ic design­er and a mixed media artist show­ing in a Birm­ing­ham gallery.