
March 2016

The Grey Man Dreams for the First Time

Sen­si­ble, The Grey Man grows tired…


Our con­trib­u­tors share a few of their favorite things.

The Law and the Profits

In ret­ro­spect, maybe traf­fick­ing souls for the raw mate­r­i­al to dis­guise her own was the mistake…

When Dorothy Went Sequential: Comic Strips from The Revelator Years

The Wizard of Oz Comic Strips from 1907 – 1917

The com­ic strip that influ­enced Mil­ton Can­iff, Chester Gould, and Charles Schultz.


Vol. 139 Issue 1

Read them in their exquis­ite detail.

Shotgun Books

Our Seventh Installment

THE REVELATOR hon­ors the lega­cy of William S. Bur­roughs with a bul­let and a book…

Why the Grey Man Finds the City

Because the trees were all but motionless…

Cities of Emerald, Deserts of Gold

I avoid the gold­en lands, where the wind trav­els alone for miles…

The Kung Fu Wizard of Oz Speaks in Korean

The Strange Pleasure of the Obscure Joke

One of the clichés about humor is…

I Don’t Think We’re in New Hampshire Anymore!”

We all have mem­o­ries of Oz…