Vol. 139 Issue 1

Found­ing Edi­tor: John

Copy Edi­tor: Blind Willie Johnson

Con­tribut­ing Edi­tors: Matthew Cheney and Eric Schaller

Web­de­sign­er: Luis Rodrigues

Interns: Alex, Oliv­er, and Z

All works © authors and artists

Cov­er “Dorothy” art © 2016 Eric Schaller

Edi­to­r­i­al © 2016 Matthew Cheney and Eric Schaller

The Law and the Prof­its” © 2016 John Chu

Cities of Emer­ald, Deserts of Gold © 2016 Sofia Samatar

Why Don’t You Go to Her?” © 2016 Bri­an Fran­cis Slattery

The Kung Fu Wiz­ard of Oz Speaks in Kore­an: The Strange Plea­sure of the Obscure Joke” © 2016 Min­soo Kang

The Grey Man Dreams for the First Time” © 2016 Peter Dubé

Why the Grey Man Finds the City” © 2016 Peter Dubé

The Grey Man Goes to the Movies” © 2016 Peter Dubé

Death Comes Rip­ping” © 2016 Chad Woody

When Dorothy Went Sequen­tial: The Wiz­ard of Oz Com­ic Strips from 1904 – 1915” © 2016 Eric Schaller (Text; “We can­not wake Ozma” strip); Chad Woody (“The Nome King has tricked Dorothy” strip); Jim Siergey (“Oh hel­lo, Scare­crow” and “The intre­pid Rough Rid­er” strips)