Movie Miniatures from “The Whisperer in Darkness”

The 2011 film The Whis­per­er in Dark­ness, dis­trib­uted by the H. P. Love­craft His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety, is perhaps…no wait, to Hell with ‘per­haps’… the film sim­ply IS the most beau­ti­ful adap­ta­tion ever made of a Love­craft sto­ry. The film had it’s Ver­mont pre­mier at White Riv­er Junc­tion in sup­port of flood relief efforts fol­low­ing Hur­ri­cane Irene. Many of the minia­tures used in the film are now housed at White Riv­er Junc­tion’s own Main Street Muse­um. These cre­ations by the team of Fred Mancheto (Lead Minia­tures Artist), Andrew Leman, and Jason Voss are won­der­ful works of art in and of them­selves. We thank the Main Street Muse­um for this oppor­tu­ni­ty to share them with you.


Movie trail­er for The Whis­per­er in Dark­ness. Ele­ments rel­e­vant to the minia­tures make their appear­ance in the trail­er at the fol­low­ing times. A Mi-Go appears at times 2:14 and 3:10. The Mas­ter­son barn appears at times 2:24 and 2:35. Round Moun­tain appears at time 0.55.


Mi-Go on Sup­port Card





The Mas­ter­son Barn




Round Moun­tain: Gran­ite Cliffs




Round Moun­tain: Stand­ing Stones