THE REVELATOR vol­ume 140, issue 1 © 2018


Found­ing Edi­tor: John

Copy Edi­tor: Blind Willie Johnson

Con­tribut­ing Edi­tors: Matthew Cheney and Eric Schaller

Web­de­sign­er: Luis Rodrigues

Interns: Alex, Oliv­er, and Z


All works © authors and artists

Cov­er “Apples” art © 2018 Eric Schaller

Edi­to­r­i­al © 2018 Matthew Cheney and Eric Schaller

Ezra Pound let­ter © 2018 THE REVELATOR archives

Black Winged Ros­es © 2018 Craig Lau­rance Gidney

Prospero’s Island © 2018 Marly Youmans

The White Orchard © 2018 Marly Youmans

A Walk through Teju Cole’s Open City © 2018 Lavelle Porter

Sung Muh­heakun­nuk © 2018 Ron Drummond

We Always Knew We Were Just Pass­ing Through © 2018 Bri­an Fran­cis Slattery

Mixed Bless­ings © 2018 Chad Woody

Fruit­less © 2018 Chad Woody

A Bes­tiary © 2018 Bruce Dean and Tyler Dean

My Small Diary © 2018 Delaine Der­ry Green