A good century almost to the day after its having been mailed, THE REVELATOR received the following letter. We cast no blame here on the much-maligned USPS as it was clear that the letter had been forwarded numerous times and often to the wrong address. We merely thank our postal workers for their perseverance. After all, it is they who must bear the daily weight of mailbags stuffed with letters from our numerous fans.
Two items deserve note in regards to the letter. First, there is the obvious confusion with regard to the gender of THE REVELATOR’s editors in 1918, which was then under the purview of the current editors’ great grandmothers, not their great grandfathers. Moreover, Schaller’s great grandmother Alice used the family name of Bell in 1918. But perhaps Pound received some premonition across the eddies of time, alerting him to the years that would pass before his letter was read by the current editors, in which case his terms of address are correct. Second, although Pound references a submission to THE REVELATOR, apparently an article related to his interest in Buddhism, we cannot locate the draft in our files of accepted manuscripts, nor find reference to it in our files of correspondence. As such, we can neither reproduce it nor reimburse Pound’s heirs for whatever money they may consider themselves as owed.
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