Miles away
I find a broken toy
grinning on the road—
a hard plastic devil-head
hanging sadly
on elastic string.
In an apple orchard
I fall asleep with it,
dreaming it speaks
in the kind but fearsome voice
of my parents’ landlord.
The only stories it knows
are dirty jokes
about my family,
at which I laugh
out of politeness.
Rain wakes me
and I start home,
swinging the head
in wide, blurring circles.
The warm sky clears
and the road dries.
Rain drips out
from the devil’s neck—
rain that tastes
like apple juice.
Chad Woody lives in Springfield, Missouri with wife Heather and daughter Penelope. Check out his books available on Eel and Bathing Beauty Both (poems), Uncle Knuckle’s Preposterous Narrations (all-ages stories), and Estranged Clone Reunion (essays & humor).
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