Shotgun Books

Our Seventh Installment

In 1956, William S. Bur­roughs, fol­low­ing pub­li­ca­tion of our exclu­sive inter­view with him, took 50 copies of that self­same issue of THE REVELATOR, placed them on a wood­en bee­hive in his back­yard, and blew them to king­dom come. Ever since, our read­ers have writ­ten in with rec­om­men­da­tions as to what oth­er books or mag­a­zines should receive sim­i­lar treat­ment. Mon­sieur Bur­roughs and his shot­gun passed on to the great shoot­ing range in the sky on July 22, 1987; con­trar­i­ans report his death as August 2, 1997 but med­ical prac­ti­tion­ers con­firm that Burroughs’s heart had ceased to beat long before then. We, like Bur­roughs, have nev­er let death stand in the way of a bul­let and a book, and so our sev­enth installment…


Like mother, like son. Them’s good eating!” — Bobby I.

{administered by a Winchester Model 12 pump-action 12-gauge shotgun}



They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but is it mightier than a well-placed bullet?” — Bill O’R.

{administered by a Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum revolver}



Shoot, baby, shoot!” — Sarah P.

{administered by an A. H. Fox Sterlingworth double-barrel 12-gauge shotgun}



I say no mo’ to the Nome King!” — Prince Charles Philip Arthur G.

{administered by an Ithica Deerslayer Model 37 police shotgun, an A. H. Fox Sterlingworth double-barrel 12-gauge shotgun, and a Winchester Model 12 pump-action 12-gauge shotgun}


Shoo­tists: Jamie “Hawk­eye” Sharps, writer/director of the film Zom­bie Boy, and Seth “Deer­slay­er” Wil­ley, the maraud­ing men­di­cant. Both are hon­orary mem­bers of Hobart’s Reg­i­ment of Mili­tia, by major­i­ty vote at the 230th anniver­sary of its call up in Ply­mouth, New Hamp­shire, as con­vened by the descen­dants of David Hobart on July 21, 2007.